Contact Lens Tips – Do’s and Don’ts for Effective Lens Care

By | January 9, 2015

A first-time lens wearer may look for the lens care tips. In fact, it is necessary for new users to get as much info as possible to get on with comfortable lens wearing experience. Perceiving the same, we have here come up with the contact lens care tips for our readers. Here, we have listed down what all you should and what all you should not do if you are using contact lenses. It is necessary that you  should follow do’s and don’ts as this can affect your lens care procedures.


Do’s for Effective Contact Lens Care and Maintenance

  1. Always pay attention to what your doctor says. Follow all instructions.
  2. Never put it off till tomorrow if you encounter any kind of pain or redness or swelling. Call your eye care practitioner immediately for help.
  3. Visit your practitioner’s office for scheduled appointments.
  4. Wear your lenses as per your wearing time schedule.
  5. Wash your hands preferably with a medicated soup, dry them well before you handle your lenses.
  6. Clean them well before or after you put your lenses with the best, branded contact lens solution.
  7. Store them with fresh lens solution in your lens case. Always make sure that your lenses are fully dipped in the solution in the case.
  8. Always be very patient when rinsing your lenses. If you do this in a hurry or if you apply much pressure then this harm your lenses. They can crack or chip or may tear. lenscare
  9. Keep your lens case clean all the time. There is a need to wash your len case as well. You can use the same contact lens solution to wash its inside area. You can use lukewarm tap water as well. but make sure you dry it well after washing it.
  10. If you drop your lenses on the floor while wearing them then it is imperative that you should clean them again with lens solution.
  11. There is a need to avoid hairsprays or deodorants. This may harm your eyes (if you wish to apply them then please, do this before putting your contacts. You can apply them after you put your contacts too but this can be a bit risky).
  12. Wear safety eyewear if you are working in harsh climate area.
  13. If you want to wear makeup then wear only before you put your lenses.
  14. Avoid being in a dusty place.
  15. Always use oil-free makeup.
  16. You shall remove your contacts first before removing your makeup.

Don’ts for Quality Contact Lens Care and Lens Maintenance

  1. Do not wear lenses if you are experiencing any type of pain or redness. Consult your doctor if such conditions occur.
  2. Do not use your lenses if you notice a chip in your contacts.
  3. Do not wear them if you notice they are not hygienic.
  4. Do not use the same pair of lenses if it has crossed the recommended time period.
  5. Do not wear your contact lenses for hours and hours if you are wearing them after a long period of time.
  6. Do not always be in a hurry when you are moving your contacts. Make use of the rewetting drops when you are removing your contacts.
  7. Never ever clean your lenses in a rush.
  8. Do not make use of the cheap contact lens solution. Always select the best contact lens solution.
  9. Don’t let your nails damage your lenses while cleaning them.
  10. Do not try to pick your lens with a fingernail if it is dropped. Do not try to lift a dropped lens by pushing it along a rough surface.
  11. Do not fill you lens case to the brim. If the lens case is filled to the brim then this will make your lenses float freely.They can even float up to the edge and they may get snappe or may get chipped when you will screw on a little.
  12. Do not use two different solutions at the same time for cleaning your lenses.
  13. Do not use any contact lens solution brands before you talk to your doctor about it. You need to take the prescribed solutions only as solutions are materials-specific.
  14. Never ever touch the tip of the lens cleaning solution bottle as it can lead to contamination.
  15. Never ever use saliva to wet your contacts.donts of contact lenses
  16. Never ever use tap water in order to clean your lenses. (use of the saline solution or one of the best multi-purpose solutions such as ReNu Multi-purpose Contact Lens Solution or a fresh lens solution like Biotrue lens solution is recommended).
  17. Do not make use of any eye drops when you are wearing contacts.
  18. Do not try to force apart a soft lens that has got folded over on its own. You may damage it while unfolding it. It should unfold on its own and come to its normal state. What all you can do in such cases is this: you can soak it with your natural contact lens solution by taking it in the palm of your hand. A gentle massage can bring it to its normal state.
  19. Never ever rub your contacts with tissue or the tail of your shirt or a towel. This can bring scratches on your lenses and this may make them unfit to wear.
  20. Do not go for swimming or take shower with your lenses. This may flush your lenses out of your eyes even without your notice.
  21. Do not wear your contacts if you have caught cold or suffering from influenza.
  22. Do not wear sleep without removing your lenses. (if your doctor has given you the approval of it then you can).
  23. Do not clean your lenses with unclean hands.
  24. Do not go on riding without wearing eye protection. There are chances that your lenses may blow off your eyes.
  25. Do not use apply makeup if your eyes are infected.
  26. Never ever share your lenses.

Well, we hope you have now got all the information which you require for your quality lens wear experience. But still, if there is anything you wish to know about contact lenses or lens care regimen or if you are facing any sort of contact lenses problems then you can comment here. Our experts will answer your queries or will provide you the suggestions which you require. Just contact us to get contact lens care tips from our expert professionals.

Try Our Best Contact Lens Solutions: Renu lens solution and Aquasoft lens solution

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