7 Best Foods to Improve Your Eye Health

By | June 26, 2017

Well, one of the most common sayings is “Health plays a very significant role in determining the level of our success” and when it comes to eye health, care becomes more intense. It is quite true that eyes are one of the most sensitive organs which need care in an appropriate manner. However many people fail to keep up the pace in this matter due to additional working hours, busy lifestyles and in fact due to improper diets. Actually, the biggest care to eyes is just being conservative with the diets you consume. The fact is most people face problems related to eye possibly because the diet they consume is not enough for healthy eyes.

You might have no idea about the foods which are good for eye health. If so, you are reading the right post. We are going to introduce you to 7 best foods to improve your eye health and they are spotlighted below.

1.Green Salad including Kale

The salad is one among the very healthy foods for your eyes. The best thing is you need not to compromise with taste as the salad is always tasty and can be prepared with numbers of ways. Green vegetables such as Kale and fruits derive numerous benefits for the overall health too. Salads are generally prepared with different ways and with different ingredients. Therefore it’s not always necessary that you can find similar taste everywhere. It can also be prepared at home. Making it a part of your diets always ensure better health of eyes in the long run. One among the very common type of salad people love to eat these days is “Frog eye salad”. It is a mixture of pineapple, coconut, marshmallows as well as oranges.

2. Almonds

Consuming Almonds regularly is one of the leading keys to keep your eyes healthy. Almonds are a good source of Vitamin C which is useful in detoxifying all the molecules that boost issues related to eyes. Consuming around 100gm Almonds weekly can simply boost your eye health. Health experts always advice to include almonds in your diet in order to keep your eyes healthy. Actually, almonds are good for people of any age group and there are no side effects also. There is no particular time of consuming them. You can have them anytime throughout the day for good the health of your eyes.

3. Corn

Corns are one among those eye-friendly foods which can be consumed as a snack. Boiled yellow corns are also widely recommended by health experts to those who need to maintain healthy vision. Both Lutein and Zeaxanthin present in them is useful in boosting many pigments that are useful for eyes. The biggest issue i.e. development of cataracts can also be neglected up to a great extent if you consume corns. Yellow corns are beneficial for one and all and it really doesn’t matter what your age is, they are found to be extremely beneficial for eyes as well as for general health.

4. Fish and eggs

Fish and eggs are extremely beneficial for eyes. As per health experts, fish, notably salmon, is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids which has a leading role in vision development. They also help to keep the retina in good condition. On the other side, eggs are also capable of deriving multiple eye health pros. The best part about them is there are many delicious recipes that can be prepared from eggs. You can make them a part of your breakfast, lunch or even dinner. You can hard boil an egg and consume it in your breakfast too. Both fish and eggs contain lutein, Vitamin A, as well as zeaxanthin which are essential for keeping your eyes healthy.

5. Orange/Orange Juice

Oranges are one of among tasty fruits that are widely available in all over the world. It has a great contribution in maintaining the overall health of your eyes. There are actually so many antioxidants in them which help to maintain healthy vision. A study shows that Orange Juice consumers are 50% less likely to develop common and complex eye problems even in the old age. Other health benefits you can have from oranges is they are totally free of Trans fats. A large community of people all over the world consumes oranges due to another health benefit and i.e. oranges are capable of eliminating the risk of age-related macular degeneration. Thus you can start consuming them if you want to keep your eyes in perfect condition.

6. Tomatoes

Tomatoes have a good amount of lycopene in them which is very helpful in maintaining retina’s power. Vitamin C, another vision defender is also present in a great amount, in the tomatoes. Actually, tomatoes can be consumed as a salad during lunch or dinner. There are several other dishes/recipes such as tomato soup that can be prepared in case if taste matters a lot for you. The good thing is tomatoes are available throughout the year and doesn’t draw any side-effects even if you start consuming them daily.

7. Dairy products

Many dairy products can simply be trusted when it comes to bearing good eye health. They contain Zinc & Vitamin A and both of them are powerful in preventing cataracts. In addition to this, both of them are having a wide contribution in maintaining proper night vision. Like other recipes/diets mentioned, many dairy products can also be transformed to taste without overcoming their effectiveness against eye health problems. For example, Yogurt which is a tasty yet healthy product that can be enjoyed anytime.
In addition to all above, one more sensational thing you need to keep in your mind is not making anything with high cholesterol a part of your diet when it comes to maintaining a good eye health. As per many eye specialists, high cholesterol has several consequences for eyes and therefore you must pay special attention to the amount of cholesterol present in your regular diets.
All the foods/diets listed above are simply available and derive no unwanted secondary effects to other body organs. To bear best eye health, there are several basic tips that can be followed at the same time. These include wearing sunglasses while going out of your home, taking expert’s opinion and so on.

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